The World’s most expensive whiskey revealed to be a scam exposed

The World’s most expensive whiskey Scam Exposed

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The Most Expensive Whiskey reveal as fake after a Chinese businessman pay $10,000 for a single shot. A dram from the unopen bottle of “Macallan 1878” sale for the four-figure sum at a Swiss hotel.

It is in July making it the priciest glass of single malt ever flogged. But whiskey experts smell a rat after news of the sale broke and Sandro Bernasconi, of The Waldhaus Hotel in St Moritz.

He call the investigators to examine the $300,000 bottle.

Rudy Kurniawan catch for fraud for selling counterfeit wine.

Though collectors are more careful when buying rare and Expensive Whiskey & Wines. Counterfeiting also extends to rare whiskey, and that was the case for Zhang Wei.

The wealthy Chinese national paid $10,050 for a single dram of what he thought was 1878 Macallan single malt Scotch at the Devil’s Place bar in the Waldhaus Am See Hotel in Switzerland.

The Waldhaus Am See Hotel, where Wei purchase the dram.

Also sent a sample of the 1878 Macallan to Rare Whisky 101, a whiskey brokerage and valuation firm situated in Dunfermline, Scotland.

the sample was then sent to researchers at the University of Oxford for carbon dating tests.

The results indicated there was a 95 percent probability that the Scotch had been produced between 1970 and 1972. Subsequent tests at Tatlock and Thomson revealed that the sample was most likely a blend of 60 percent malt and 40 percent grain, making the Scotch a blend rather than a single malt.

Rare Whisky 101 finally concluded that the Scotch was a fake, and wasn’t a collectible item.

The manager of the hotel, Sandro Bernasconi, traveled all the way to Beijing to reimburse Wei. Wei was surprisingly not infuriate.

And thanks to Bernasconi for doing the right thing. Fraud has become a big problem in the world of rare wine and spirits.

Collectors need to be aware that there are people out there that will try to take advantage of them.

Wine fraudster Kurniawan sentence to 10 years in prison. Hopefully sending a message to other potential con artists.

Also read: WhatsApp Trading Scam: Noida businessman loses 9 Crore Rupees

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