Millions of people apply for the Job every day but most of the them never hear from the interviewers. It opens your eyes as a potential candidate to figure out the root cause of not on the receiving end after putting all the arduous effort.
Let’s figure out why does it happen and how this situation can be resolved?
Qualifications and right job postings
On the candidate part, it accentuates to mention the qualifications and applying for the positions which are 100% matching up with your expertise and skills.
This has significance in finding the right position else you may lose it someone who has got better chance of acquiring the position internally. On the other hand, recruiters must post the openings only when they are looking for the candidates outside the industry. As it saves the time of both parties without any hassle.
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Professional language and up to date resume
As a potential candidate you should always try to build a resume that speaks the volume about your work. Companies are looking for someone who is extremely professional and adds value to the company’s objective. Don’t beat about the bush and communicate professionally with up-to-date resume.
Gone are the days when recruiters were worried about your family background, hobbies and curricular activities instead write about your onshore job responsibilities, training’s attended, etc. Take the conversation with the interviewer in the right stride to build a good rapport.
Cover Letter gives you brownie points.
There are various websites where one can apply for the job. Few of the websites has immensely good job openings and one can add all the skills, expertise. And educational background along with certified training programs.
Various options are there to write the cover letter who serves its purpose when recruiters finally made up their mind to call you as their prospective candidate. Always apply with a summary of your professional journey in the cover letter to get more calls for the interview.
Good Social Media Presence
Recruiters and companies are too fast these days to get all details about you via your social media handle. You can add the social media handles in your resume with right links but make sure that you are using all your accounts in adherence to prevailing market scenarios.
Any negative image or presence on these handles can drop your chances immensely for any potential interview call. Keep an apparent and positive image while adding your views on the topics of your interest.
However, it is not always the case that candidate was not at all suitable for the interview. There are points that needs be to taken care of from the recruiters end. This is to ensure proper and professional hiring of the prospective candidates.
- Recruiters must go through the candidate’s professional profile online to ensure that he/she has enough potential to be interviewed for the job.
- Also, recruiters must try to communicate the candidate why internal hiring was done even after posting the job online for other candidates outside the industry?
- The candidates should be given feedback constructively about their interview process. If at all company is trying to hire someone else internally.
- If hiring managers are too busy or preoccupied with other work. They should still inform the candidates who invest a lot of energy, money. And time in appearing for the interview.
- Recruiters must build a platform where on every step candidate should get updates about the job application details. Also, it will save a lot of time from both ends hassle-free.
However, It could be a tiring process to apply for the jobs day in day out basis. However, if you consider the tips given above both from candidates. And recruiters standpoint then you might hear back from one of the company where you apply for job.
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Content Credit: Gurpreet Dhariwal