National Security Agency (NSA) of United States has been hacked into Pakistan’s mobile networking systems. This is updated by Global whistle-blower agency Wikileaks.
“Hundreds of NSA cyber weapons variants publicly release. This is including code showing hacking of Pakistan mobile system,” Wikileaks tweeted. Though Wikileaks shared a link in the tweet which pointed to a Github repository containing the decrypted files pertaining to NSA cyber weapons.
This is not the first time that reports of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on other countries has surfaced. There was report that the NSA authorize to spy on foreign-based political organizations. This including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from India and the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) from Pakistan.
News agency Report:
According to the Express Tribune, a classified document reveal that US spy agency NSA sanction to spy on most countries. However, some international bodies and political parties under the FISA court certification.
As soon as
The Washington Post report said that under a 2010 certification approved by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA). Only NSA organization have the permission worldwide to spy on 193 foreign governments. And foreign factions, political organization’s and other entities. While some country like Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand remained same from NSA’s spying program following the US’ no-spying arrangements with the four countries. Two factions of foreign nations Palestinian Authority, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus base on NSA’s radar.
Moreover, the NSA was also authorizing spy on international bodies. Such as the UN, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Asian Development Bank and many others.
NSA(national Security Agency) is involve in hacking computers systems, smartphones and their related networks. Tailored Access Operations(TAO) conduct these operations worldwide.
Since beginning, TAO successfully penetrate Chinese computer and telecommunications systems and find intelligence information about the People’s Republic of China.As per the information 1000 System Administrators work for
NSA as of year 2013.