Isher Judge Ahluwalia, former head of a government committee on urban infrastructure said that Plastic Waste roads will not only withstand future monsoon damage. But will also solve the problem of disposing of non-recyclable plastic.
A new road building technology for the 21st century is advancing fast in India now.
According to a World Economic Forum report, More than 33,796 km of roads in India are plastic roads.
According to new report, the actual length of Indian roads using the innovative, home-grown technique expand for more than 100,000km as of October.
An expert said, By Using recycled plastic to build roads not only curbs pollution, Also creates jobs.
Plastic can make roads more durable against extreme weather — floods and extreme heat, According to a World Economic Forum (WEF) report.
Also the Indian plastic roads solution is apart from a European road building technology using recycled plastic.
VolkerWessels,Which is a construction services firm. Which is having headquartered in Hollad. Also wants to roll out plastic roads. Their idea involves recycling plastic waste into lightweight. And prefabricated modules with hollow interiors that can be fitted with cables and plastic pipes and allow excess water to drain
How it will work:-
#Plastic waste — mostly water or soda bottles — are first sort . After sorting, the material is clean, dry, and shredd.
#The shredded plastic is mix and melt at around 170°C. Hot bitumen is then add and mix with the melt plastic.
#After mixing the mixture is laid as one would with regular asphalt concrete.
#Analysts said, Now the Indian’s home-grown and affordable road technology that salvages plastic waste could be used in a massive road rebuilding underway
#India has the world’s second-largest road network
According to records,the Indian government announced an investment of 6.9 trillion rupees ($11 billion) to build 83,677km of roads over the next five years.
Though India produces about 15,000 tonnes of plastic waste daily, of which about 9,000 tonnes is recycle.
The remainder clutters landfills and clogs drains and is reason for urban flooding.
A technology developed by Rajagopalan Vasudevan, a chemistry professor at Thiagarajar College of Engineering in the southern city of Madurai. Which uses finely shredd plastic waste added to heat bitumen.
Though there are several benefits of plastic roads, few are mention below.
#However Plastic mix is pour over stones.
#Vasudevan said, The plastic waste can include anything from sweet wrappers to shopping bags. The mix cuts the quantity of bitumen required by 10 per cent.
#The road I built is still intact — there are no potholes, no cracks. That is proof of its strength and durability, plus it uses waste plastic that otherwise litters streets and rivers.
At least 11 states, including Vasudevan’s home state of Tamil Nadu, have used the technology to build more than 100,000 km of roads, he said.