We bring the Government and private scholarship programs for scholarships available in Germany. However Germany is the best place for Study. Students can apply online living abroad.
Private Scholarships for Students:
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Scholarships– This scholarships is for international master students and graduates. This scholarship help to finish research. Kindly note that there is difference between domestic and international selection criteria. Though you need to show deviance for above study courses.Students living in Germany (even if belongs to different nationality)can apply for this scholarship. In the year 2018, Students living in Russia, Vilinus for Belarus, Chile, Ukraine can apply for International selection procedure.
- Humboldt Research Scholarship for Postdoctoral Researchers – Scientists and Scholars can apply for this Scholarship online at any time. Every Year around 400-500 postdoctoral researchers & experience researchers get benefits.Here you can finish your long term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Students can do the topic selection from there own.
- Einstein International Postdoctoral Fellowship – This Scholarship is for young, dynamic researchers in Berlin. Postdoctoral researcher from abroad can apply by online link given in the heading. International postdoctoral researchers have awesome opportunity to do their research as well as work in Berlin upto 5 years. Scholarship provides around € 20,000 amount per year to spend on research.You can contact to Mr. Anne Jordan at email address : [email protected], contact Number +49 (0)30-20370-228. For more details click on the heading of this Topic.
Mawista Scholarships :
You will get fund for one semester or for full study. This scholarship is for professionals living abroad. Good option for Scholars to fulfill their dreams.Here students has to organize his study and find flat to do study and pass the exam. Main motive of Mawista Scholarship is to promote young person who willing to study abroad.To obtain this scholarship you need to write us why you are the perfect candidate to get this and how your will manage your life around.
- If you can finish your study even in double stress and have will power to do extraordinary. Then send us your application.You will receive a monthly scholarship of Euro 500 per month for 12 months. Here are details you have to fill in the application form. Your first name, Last name, Sex, Email address, nationality, Date of birth, Phone number, Website name. Also you have to write us why you are the perfect candidate for this scholarship(Maximum 500 words with space).
- The Helmholtz Association : Candidates give world class training also along with the fund.More than 18 research centers provide training under talented trainers and with the help of new advance technology. As per records more than 8,000 candidates perform research in the center. You may contact to Dr. Johannes Freudenreich at Berlin Office, Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Straße 2, 10178 Berlin, Germany.Also you may contact +49 30 206329-16.
Government Scholarship Programs:
- DAAD Scholarships : Under this scheme Students can get funds in Germany for different degree. Full details of daad scholarship for masters is given at the official website. On the official website of DAAD, currently 220 options showing for students.
- However currently there are five programs for teaching for young professionals.If you like to do your higher studies in Germany. But you don’t have proper resource or finance to support your study. Then DAAD scholarships are the best option to convert your dreams into reality. Though you have to fill the daad scholarship application form and resend it.