Prime Minister Narendra Modi become emotional and he could not control his tears three times. He was addressing BJP MPs in the first weekly parliamentary party meeting. Mr. Modi use Keyword “Vikas” 25 times in the speech of 30 minutes.
Modi use Vikas word in his speech for indicating the Victory of BJP in the Himachal Pradesh and Gujrat.
In the year of 1991 when Lok Sabha elections held. That time Atal Bihari Vajpayee met the Gujarat BJP. He was standing at the end of the line in a corner. Vajpayee come to him and said you have helped BJP to get 20 seat’s out of 26. Later he criticized to all those people who make fun of Vikas in the country.
As per the records, BJP party won 99 seats in Gujarat, while the Congress won 77. In Himachal Pradesh, BJP won 44 seats and force the Congress party to play the role of the opposition party role.
Narendra Modi Latest Speech After Winning Gujarat Elections | 18-12-17
He point out the importance of the hard work in achieving set targets in two states. Amit Shah mention the role of Modi in the victory of BJP in Gujrat and Himachal Pradesh.
Modi mention that this is not the ordinary Victory of the Party But this is a joint efforts. He also state that BJP will the ruling party in the Country in next elections. He also mention that Don’t waste your time on the Opposition party and Focus on the New Developing India by 2022.
BJP face the tough challenge by 3 young leaders Hardik Patel, Alpesh Thakor and Jignesh Mevani. Modi have tears in his eyes while giving the speech. BJP party make the impressive victory in the 2014.
He also mention that there will be lots of new projects coming to India from the world. There will be new India when there will new investment. He use “Pyare Desh Vasiyo” word many times through out his speech. Indicating my lovely Countrymen.