New Zealand has encounter an obstacle while participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership TPP problems with incoming Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern insisting. she will push for changes to the agreement due to be finalize next month.
The prime minister told to television Questions & Answers programme on Sunday that she supports the TPP as well as lifting exports.
She said,”All three parties in the new government including New Zealand First and the Green Party, which have previously opposed the TPP. Now are unite on the goal to lift exports.
The group has 11 members, After President Donald Trump withdrew the US from TPP early this year. New Zealand and Japan had led the way in saying they remain committed to a deal to cut trade barriers in the Asia-Pacific region.
Ardern promiss to work on election & had told that her government would want to be part of the TPP.
But she also request on proceeding with the Labour Party’s plan to stop foreign talk in the housing market. which would breach the draft agreement.
Ardern said she would lobby for changes to the agreement at next month’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Vietnam.
She said, “Our view is that it will be possible to balance our desire to make sure that we provide housing”. That is affordable by easing demand and banning foreign speculators from buying existing homes. While meeting our trade goals in the business.
Below are the 5 Problems With the Trans Pacific Partnership
1) U.S. trade negotiators want TPP to get special, “fast-track” treatment from Congress.
2) TPP doesn’t include China
3) Free-trade agreements, such as TPP, haven’t protected U.S. jobs
4) If TPP were to be approved, most of the benefit would go to corporations and the rich.
5) There are a wide variety of serious issues that need to be discussed by Congress and the American public